The Art of Jigsaw Puzzles: Relaxation and Mindfulness in One Activity

Simmons Patrick
4 min readNov 22, 2023


Jigsaw puzzles have been a favorite pastime for many people throughout history. The process of fitting small interlocking pieces together to form a complete picture is not only entertaining but also beneficial for our mental well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety are common, jigsaw puzzles offer a calming escape and an opportunity to practice mindfulness. This article explores the art of jigsaw puzzles and the relaxation and mindfulness benefits they bring.

The Relaxing Nature of Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles have a unique ability to transport us to a state of relaxation. When we sit down with a puzzle, we enter a meditative state where our focus shifts solely to the task at hand. The repetitive motion of searching for the right piece, turning it around, and placing it in the correct spot engages our mind in a soothing rhythm. This process helps to calm our thoughts, slow down our breathing, and reduce stress levels.

Psychologists and therapists often recommend jigsaw puzzles as a stress-relieving activity. Dr. Joann Lukins, a psychologist specializing in mindfulness, explains that the act of working on a puzzle encourages our brain to produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and relaxation. As we progress in solving the puzzle, we experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which further enhances the relaxation effect.

Mindfulness in Jigsaw Puzzles

Beyond relaxation, jigsaw puzzles offer an opportunity to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to the details, focusing on our senses, and immersing ourselves in the task at hand. Jigsaw puzzles provide an ideal platform for cultivating mindfulness in several ways.

Firstly, working on a jigsaw puzzle requires our undivided attention. As we examine each piece, we need to concentrate on its shape, color, and edges to determine where it fits within the larger picture. This level of concentration allows us to detach from our usual stream of thoughts and concerns and immerse ourselves in the puzzle-solving process.

Secondly, jigsaw puzzles engage our spatial awareness. To complete a puzzle, we need to visualize the whole picture and imagine how each piece relates to the others. This spatial awareness exercises our brain and enhances our ability to think critically and solve problems. By focusing on the task at hand, we develop a heightened sense of awareness and become more attuned to our surroundings.

Finally, jigsaw puzzles foster a sense of patience and perseverance. They teach us to embrace the process rather than rushing towards the end result. In a world where instant gratification is the norm, puzzles remind us of the value of taking our time and enjoying the journey. As we patiently search for the right piece and slowly make progress, we cultivate a sense of mindfulness and learn to appreciate the present moment.

Incorporating Jigsaw Puzzles into Daily Life

Now that we understand the relaxation and mindfulness benefits of jigsaw puzzles, how can we incorporate them into our daily lives?

  1. Dedicate Time: Set aside a specific time each day or week to work on a puzzle. Treat it as a scheduled self-care activity and make it a priority in your routine.
  2. Create a Calming Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on the puzzle without distractions. Consider playing soft instrumental music or lighting scented candles to create a soothing atmosphere.
  3. Start with a Manageable Challenge: Choose a puzzle with an appropriate level of difficulty. Starting with a smaller puzzle or fewer pieces allows you to experience success and build confidence before moving on to more complex designs.
  4. Involve Others: Jigsaw puzzles can be a social activity as well. Invite friends or family members to join you in solving a puzzle. Working together not only enhances the enjoyment but also fosters teamwork and collaboration.
  5. Explore New Themes: Jigsaw puzzles come in various themes and designs, ranging from landscapes to famous artworks. Each theme offers a unique visual experience, allowing you to explore different worlds and expand your knowledge.
  6. Combine with Mindfulness Practices: To enhance the mindfulness aspect of puzzle-solving, consider incorporating other mindfulness practices. You can practice deep breathing, guided meditation, or even listen to a mindfulness podcast while working on your puzzle.
  7. Unwind and Disconnect: Use jigsaw puzzles as a means to disconnect from technology and unwind. Turn off your phone, step away from screens, and immerse yourself in the tactile experience of handling puzzle pieces.


Jigsaw puzzles are more than just a leisure activity; they provide a gateway to relaxation and mindfulness. As we immerse ourselves in the process of solving a puzzle, we tap into a state of calm and tranquility. The act of searching for the right piece, engaging our spatial awareness, and embracing the journey teaches us valuable lessons in patience, perseverance, and being present. Incorporating jigsaw puzzles into our daily lives allows us to carve out moments of self-care and prioritize our mental well-being. So, the next time you need a break from the busyness of life, consider indulging in the art of jigsaw puzzles.

For a captivating collection of jigsaw puzzles, check out the summer shop. Get lost in the delightful world of puzzles and embark on a journey of relaxation and mindfulness. Happy puzzling!



Simmons Patrick

Believer in the power of education. Passionate about teaching and inspiring young minds.